Our Program

Charlotte Mason envisioned a relational education in a living environment filled with books, experiences, nature, and ideas. The child is viewed as a person, and the educator as one who cooperates with God. A relational education aims for students to grow in their love of God, others, and the world around them so that they continue to increasingly know and care about a wide array of subjects and ideas. The Alveary curriculum is relevant to our time and place. The books chosen ignite the imagination, allowing children to enter into the stories and to recognize that even people who lived long ago and far away were not that different from themselves.*

The following are the courses offered starting at 9 am and ending at 3 pm (arrival time 8:45) and serves children 1st grade and above.

*This text is from the Alveary Viewbook, with permission for use.

Want to learn more?

  • Morning Adoration

    The morning is spent learning to love what is most lovely: God himself. All students are joined together for a time of hymns, prayer, and bible. Folk songs are also taught during this time.


    Recitation is the art of speaking beautifully. Student learns to recite a combination of a Hymn, Old Testament passage, New Testament passage, Psalm, and Poem or Shakespeare passage.


    Students read classic and modern literature that goes with the historical time period. Starting in fourth grade, students read two Shakespeare plays. Poetry is read daily and serves to delight in words.


    Each class at RCA will experience American History. United States history stories from the current history cycle experienced through living books. Starting in fourth grade, world history and citizenship. In world history, students view images and reference atlases and maps to set the people and events in their time and place. In citizenship, younger students study two lives from Plutarch’s Lives.


    From nature lore and “seasonal readers” to special studies, nature journaling, and labs; from science history to modern science topics today, students learn to observe and build a relationship with the world around them.

  • Geography

    Students start with geography concepts and as they move up in grades, they continue learning by adding Geography models, activities and mapwork.


    Students are exposed to a wide variety of artwork from diverse artists through our picture studies a composer study. The afternoon is spent working on handicrafts which includes hands on projects such as clay modeling, sewing and weaving.


    At RCA students spend time outside studying and observing God’s created order. We believe that nature is the beginning of wonder, wonder leads to worship and worship leads to wisdom.

form 1 schedule

form 2 schedule

Form 3 schedule

What parents Are Saying

“Redwood has been such a blessing to our family because we have the support and care of a local homeschool community, meaningful friendships for our children, and wonderful teachers”

— homeschooler of 5

“I love the way my daughter makes connections between what she is learning at RCA and what she experiences in ‘real life.’ My daughter loves the folk dancing, literature, and the long nature walks.”

— homeschooler of 4

“Redwood offers the type of education we are looking for: learning through stories, reading Shakespeare, classical music study and nature walks…and all under the umbrella of a Christian worldview! Our son has learned and grown so much, and we can’t wait to sign him up for next year!”

— Homeschooler of 4